Sons of a COMPANY B

Program Cover

The Videos:

The story of the Bs - their rapid rise to fame and fall into dishonor.

Sons of a Company B
The Baby Bs

The Entrepreneur

Grounds for Divorce

Sister of the Bs and My 3 Heads (Original)

Wheeling Island

Let it B

Mom Escapes and On the Road Again

This Is Your Life, Charlie Brown!

Blues Mama (Her Story of the Blues - original)

The Hooker Song - Ed Mahonen

The Trouble with Mother

Roberta Jack's Interactive TV and Tinseltown Tattler

Greasepaint Religion

The Program: Sons of a Company B

Some believe that the program may be the best part of the show. If you read carefully, you'll get the full range of the Bs career.

See Videos to All Four Shows Here:
The Arguably Best of COMPANY B | The Original COMPANY B | Sons of a Company B | Company B3

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